Details about the color #ffff00
Yellow is a warm and vibrant color that exudes cheerfulness. It is reminiscent of the sun and puts you in a good mood. Yellow represents optimism, creativity and intellect. It is the color of communication and learning. Yellow can attract attention and has a stimulating effect. In nature, yellow can be found in flowers, fruits and sunsets. Yellow clothing stands out and symbolizes freshness and energy. In Feng Shui, yellow represents the realm of wealth and prosperity. Yellow rooms look inviting and friendly.
The hex color #ffff00 is a light color. The web-safe version is Hex #FFFF00. A complementary color is #0000FF. The grayscale version is #AAAAAA. A 20% lighter version of the original color is #FFFF33, and Hex #CCCC00 is the 20% darker color. If the color is saturated by 10%, you get #FFFF00. If the color is desaturated by 10%, the color #F7F711 is obtained.
RGB | 255 255 0 |
CMYK | 0 0 0 0 |
HSL | 60° 100% 50% |
RGBA | rgba(255, 255, 0, 1) |