The hex color #0000FF is a dark color. The web-safe version is Hex
#0000FF. A complementary color is
#FFFF00. The grayscale version is
#555555. A 20% lighter version of the original color is
#3333FF, and Hex
#0000CC is the 20% darker color. If the color is saturated by 10%, you get
#0000FF. If the color is desaturated by 10%, the color
#0909EE is obtained.
Color spaces from #0000FF
0 0 255
0 0 0 0
240° 100% 50%
rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)
Well-known names for #0000FF
Luminous Blue
Pure Blue
Dynamic Blue
Hero Blue
Cobalt blue
Superhero Blue
Powerful Blue
Cartoon Blue
Royal Blue
Deep blue
Deep Blue
Color palettes and color fans with the color #0000FF