Playing Cards and Board Game Design

Playing Cards and Board Game Design: Royal Blue, Carmine Red, and Gold - like the colors of the king

Playing Cards and Board Game Design: Royal Blue, Carmine Red, and Gold - like the colors of the king

In the 'Playing Cards and Board Game Design: Royal Blue, Crimson and Gold - Like the King's Colors' color palette, you'll find royal colors that bring your designs to life. Royal blue stands for elegance and sovereignty, while carmine red stands for passion and strength. The gold color adds a touch of luxury and exclusivity to your design. These colors are a perfect match for a playing card or board game design as they create a royal atmosphere while also being eye-catching and appealing. Fir green and brown add a natural touch to the palette, while white and black provide contrasts. Pink, orange-red, and purple can be used as accent colors for special elements. Forest green and Peru round out the palette and offer additional options for backgrounds and accents. This color palette is perfect for designing playing cards, board games, game surfaces, and other elements in the field of playing card and board game design.

Suitable for

  • Design of playing cards
  • Game Board Development
  • Design of game interfaces
  • Card printing
  • Board game production


  • Color palette
  • Playing Cards
  • Board games
  • Design
  • Creativity