Hexcode #ff0000 Color Details

Details about the color #ff0000

The color red stands for passion, love and energy. It immediately catches the eye and often symbolizes danger or warmth. Red is the color of love, but also of anger and blood. In nature, red can be found in ripe fruits, flowers and sunsets. In psychology, red is associated with assertiveness and strength. Red is a warm color that attracts attention and arouses emotions. Red can represent both love and aggression and exudes a strong energy.

The hex color #ff0000 is a dark color. The web-safe version is Hex #FF0000. A complementary color is #00FFFF. The grayscale version is #555555. A 20% lighter version of the original color is #FF3333, and Hex #CC0000 is the 20% darker color. If the color is saturated by 10%, you get #FF0000. If the color is desaturated by 10%, the color #EE0909 is obtained.

Color spaces from #FF0000

Farbecode #FF0000 - ColorCode Pro
RGB 255 0 0
CMYK 0 0 0 0
HSL 0° 100% 50%
RGBA rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)

Shades of #FF0000

Well-known names for #FF0000

  • Vivid Red
  • Heart Red
  • Red
  • Bright Red
  • Fiery Red
  • Dynamic Red
  • Vibrant Red
  • Bright Red
  • Classic Red
  • Superhero Red
  • Bright red
  • Passionate Red
  • Kapow-Red
  • YouTube Red
  • Bright Red
  • Fire-red
  • Racing Red
  • Superhero Red
  • Vivid Red
  • Superhero Red

Color palettes and color fans with the color #FF0000