Hexcode #00007d Color Details

Details about the color #00007d

The hex color #00007d is a dark color. The web-safe version is Hex #000066. A complementary color is #FFFF82. The grayscale version is #2A2A2A. A 20% lighter version of the original color is #3333B0, and Hex #00004A is the 20% darker color. If the color is saturated by 10%, you get #000085. If the color is desaturated by 10%, the color #040475 is obtained.

Color spaces from #00007D

Farbecode #00007D - ColorCode Pro
RGB 0 0 125
CMYK 0 0 0 51
HSL 240° 100% 25%
RGBA rgba(0, 0, 125, 1)

Shades of #00007D

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