Details about the color #FF6B6B
Red is a passionate and energetic color that attracts attention. It stands for love, fire and courage. Red can also symbolize aggressiveness and danger. In nature, this color is often found in red flowers or ripe fruits. In psychology, red is associated with vitality and strength. Many cultures use red in their traditional holiday dresses. This bold color can make rooms feel more vibrant and warm.
The hex color #FF6B6B is a light color. The web-safe version is Hex #FF6666. A complementary color is #009494. The grayscale version is #9C9C9C. A 20% lighter version of the original color is #FF9E9E, and Hex #CC3838 is the 20% darker color. If the color is saturated by 10%, you get #FF6666. If the color is desaturated by 10%, the color #F57070 is obtained.
RGB | 255 107 107 |
CMYK | 0 58 58 0 |
HSL | 0° 100% 71% |
RGBA | rgba(255, 107, 107, 1) |